Captured in Moments

I am excited to finally start this blog series! As I edit thousands of wedding photos for happy couples, I always wonder which photo will be their favorite. Which photo will they look at in the months after their wedding and want framed on their walls? Which photo will they look at in two years and think, “At that moment I was…..”? And which photo will their kids and grandkids look at with wonder at how young and in love their grandparents were? Which photo will stand up to the test of time? So  I asked. I asked friends, family, readers, and the Facebook and Twitter world to send me their favorite wedding photo, with a little explanation of why it is their favorite. And so starts the “Capture in Moments” blog series.

small Favorite Photo - Kara and Randi copy

I couldn’t post this without a bit of an explanation. I have known Kara since…. ummmm…. age 5 or 6 or 7. Sometime around there 🙂 I was the Maid of Honor in her wedding and she was the Matron of Honor in mine. I gave an awesome speech in her wedding where I closed it with “Live Long and Prosper”….  And she told unfortunate stories of our high school escapades  at my wedding. So we are even;)  I actually took this photo and it was one of the first weddings where I took photographs. She asked me to bring my camera and get photos as we all got ready for the big day. From there the rest is history!  So, thanks to Kara for not only for being an amazing friend, fun roommate and partner-in-crime… but also for starting me on the photographic path I am on today!


Based in Marshfield, Wisconsin

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